Electronic Books

Total Books: 1 - 5 /5
Drug Delivery Systems for Metabolic Disorders/ Harish Dureja, Narasimha Murthy, Peter Wich, Kamal Dua

Covers recent developments in advanced drug delivery systems in various metabolic disorders, including disturbances in protein, ...

Inborn Metabolic Diseases

This classical textbook has become indispensable for those in the front line dealing with metabolic disorders. This 4th edition ...

Laboratory Guide to the Methods in Biochemical Genetics

This manual deals specifically with laboratory approaches to diagnosing inborn errors of metabolism. The key feature is that ...

NPY Family of Peptides in Neurobiology, Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disorders: from Genes to Therapeutics

The NPY-family of peptides encompasses several groups of neurotransmitters and hormones, which exert diverse biological and ...

Physicians Guide to the Treatment and Follow-Up of Metabolic Diseases

Until the mid-twentieth century, hereditary metabolic and other genetic diseases were considered to be purely “genetic” ...

Total Books: 1 - 5 /5